![]() 10/02/2016 at 21:40 • Filed to: we are fucked | ![]() | ![]() |
Who vouched to increase speed limits -as in people will drive faster- (the ones that lowered accidents and deaths by 30%), to close the LGBT Bureau, the Racial Equality Bureau, the Women’s Rights and Equality Bureau and cut down on social programs.
Watch out America, we never thought he would win, but here comes a big step backwards.
![]() 10/02/2016 at 21:45 |
The people have spoken
Survey says: The people suck
![]() 10/02/2016 at 21:48 |
![]() 10/02/2016 at 21:48 |
We had one of the greatest mayors before, built shit tons of bike lanes, cultural programs, made the city more human, LOWERED THE FUCKING DEBT, but no “bikes are for hippies, I don’t want to drive slow, the worker’s party is shit”
![]() 10/02/2016 at 21:49 |
You are boned
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Now I’m waiting for the inevitable 100 million dollar corruption scandal, which will probably happen knowing the guy.
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Ha! I laughed, said W would never be president - too dumb. How wrong I was ....
![]() 10/02/2016 at 21:52 |
Well, maybe they strongly believe that in drawing attention to the need to protect a group’s individuality you unintentionally promote the focus away from all people being treated and represented as the exact same type of human being. They’ll probably prepare your area for monthly ice cream socials and puppy-bunny-kitty play places in order to strengthen community bonds! All funded by taxpayer dollars of course. You’ll want to drive faster in order to get to the ice cream before it has melted and the fluffy animals before they’re all petted out.
![]() 10/02/2016 at 21:54 |
Is he going to attempt something positive?
![]() 10/02/2016 at 21:55 |
Everything needs to funded by the taxpayers dollars, that is the purpose of the state. When your country/city had idk how many years of slavery you NEED a racial equality Bureau, when LGBT people are murdered daily, you NEED at least a Bureau.
![]() 10/02/2016 at 21:58 |
Just some free-market “I’m a businessman not a politician” mumbo-jumbo, probably will make all the rich folk happy and fuck with the people the need the city’s help the most.
![]() 10/02/2016 at 21:58 |
Is he related to the cheetos jesus or a friend of ol’Dilma?
![]() 10/02/2016 at 22:00 |
Nah, the guy from Dilma’s party was the current mayor, did a lot of good stuff for the city, no scandals, super transparent mandate and administration.
The new guy is a billionaire, the “I’m a businessman not a politician” type. I’m sure you know someone like that.
![]() 10/02/2016 at 22:02 |
So your new guy is a businessman who claimes that he can run gov’t better than a seasoned politician? Yeah we got one of those who attack a former miss universe at 3 am in the morning.
![]() 10/02/2016 at 22:08 |
Well, let’s hope we are right this time. Because if Brazil (and the rest of this fucked up world) is any example, a wave of retrogression is coming.
![]() 10/02/2016 at 22:16 |
Good luck!
![]() 10/02/2016 at 22:19 |
If it weren’t for 9/11 and the ensuing “War on Terror” he wouldn’t have been a bad president. Because other than invading Iraq and Afghanistan, he didn’t really do much.
![]() 10/02/2016 at 22:21 |
Currently not too worried about our ‘mayor’.
![]() 10/02/2016 at 22:24 |
Higher speed limits are great!
![]() 10/02/2016 at 22:27 |
Not if they are causing deaths and accidents. Because deaths and accidents cause pile ups and then nobody moves.
Lowering the speed limit actually increased the average traffic speed.
![]() 10/02/2016 at 22:33 |
President W wasn’t the problem. Presidents Cheney and Rummy on the other hand..
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He sounds pretty solid to me.
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He probably will be the greatest setback in the history of this city (outside the military dictatorship).
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The council of fools is all the more dangerous the more of them there are.
![]() 10/02/2016 at 22:38 |
well shit
![]() 10/02/2016 at 22:40 |
I don’t normally dive into political posts, but I felt the need to this time.
Fuck that fucking piece of shit and fuck the dumbshit voters who thought he was a good choice. If all of that stuff really happens, I hope you find somewhere to move to.
I wish you the best. Sounds like you and your city will need it.
![]() 10/02/2016 at 22:41 |
Moving to Rio the Janeiro is sounding like the choice if my party wins there.
![]() 10/02/2016 at 22:44 |
That sucks man. Rio is pretty bad off though too isn’t it?
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Brexit, the Brazilian Impeachment, fascists on the rise in Europe, this guy winning the elections of the 4th largest city in the world.
I really hope you guys get rid of the Sentient Cheeto.
![]() 10/02/2016 at 22:48 |
Not so much, the Olympics and by consequente every media network made it look a lot worse than it actually is. Sure, it still is a large city in a south american country with a huge gap between the poor and the rich but things are cool, I love going there.
I will go even more if my party wins there, and it seems they have a chance.
![]() 10/02/2016 at 22:57 |
Thankfully he didn’t reach his goal of privatizing Social Security, or we’d have nothing to retire on ....
![]() 10/02/2016 at 23:00 |
Personally, I think retirement will be completely different by the time my generation is old enough to retire. (I’m 20) People will be easily living into their late 90s, if “The Singularity” (brains uploaded to computers, humans technically live forever) hasn’t happened already.
![]() 10/02/2016 at 23:03 |
No idea where the speed limit is set now, but it should ALWAYS be set at the 85th Percentile. If you want people to slow down, don’t lower the speed limit, and instead change the road conditions to make high speeds feel uncomfortably fast (plant trees, paint bike lanes, install tall fences, etc). It’s WAY more dangerous to impose an artificially slow speed limit (which doesn’t slow down the average driver, but does create slow obstacles in the form of the minority who actually follow the speed limit). Deaths and accidents are caused by speed differential, not speed itself. Get rid of slow obstacles and allow people to legally travel at a comfortable speed, and the observed differences in speed drastically reduce.
But otherwise, this new mayor sounds like a Grade-A asshole.
![]() 10/02/2016 at 23:03 |
I remember there was a study showing that people drive at the speed they feel safe at, irrespective of the posted limits.
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There are also tons of speed traps to enforce that.
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Yes, but that’s where the speed traps come in handy. People won’t drive the speed limit if there isn’t anything surveilling them.
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Why did people vote for him?
![]() 10/02/2016 at 23:15 |
100% true. The vast majority of people ignore the arbitrary speed limit and drive a natural speed that feels safe. Setting an artificially low speed limit actually INCREASES road accidents and traffic backups, because you create unnecessary slow obstacles in the form of the minority of drivers who actually observe the speed limit.
Traffic experts maintain that the safest speed limits follow the 85th Percentile Rule, whereby you let the public drive as fast as they feel comfortable, and only declare the top 15% as speeders. This allows rule-followers to join everybody else at that comfortable average speed, thus reducing the average speed differential.
Speeding isn’t consciously done (like murder or drug dealing); we zone out while driving and default to a natural safe speed. More often than not, the speed limit is set lower to make money from traffic tickets (as opposed to protecting public safety).
![]() 10/02/2016 at 23:17 |
The worker’s party lost space, there is a wave of cold-war like hatred for anything that the rich/idiot consider communism (like bikes, I kid you not, bike lanes are communist) and general retrogressive thought.
![]() 10/02/2016 at 23:41 |
Are the speed traps in conjunction with actual officers or are they just photo radar tickets? Over here people just ignore those.
![]() 10/02/2016 at 23:44 |
Photo-radar tickers, very good photo radar tickets.
Also, they are not on long highways, these still have the normal speed limit.
The lower speed limit is for the “ring-road” around the city and near residence areas.
![]() 10/02/2016 at 23:46 |
You aren’t understanding the science behind the issue. Speed traps are proven to INCREASE both traffic congestion and accidents, because people slam on their brakes briefly and swerve into the right lane. As soon as they pass the cop, they accelerate back up to their preferred speed. All the traffic cop does is disrupt the flow of traffic, which INCREASES the likelihood of an accident
People don’t consciously break the speed limit; they zone-out while driving and naturally default to a comfortable speed that feels safe. You can raise or lower the speed limit, but the average speed never changes, because the obstacles on the road (# of lanes, on/off ramps, concrete barriers, turns, etc) are exactly the same as before.
The idea behind the 85th Percentile Speed Limit is to identify the AVERAGE SPEED that people choose to drive. Instead of trying to make people conform to an unnaturally low speed limit, you make the speed limit conform to the natural flow of traffic. A safe speed limit is slightly ABOVE the average speed to account for variations between different drivers’ abilities.
If you want to slow people down, you turn to effective road engineering. Take a look at the diagram below: by planting trees and painting a bike lane, you make the road feel narrower and more cluttered. Suddenly, drivers slow down because they are having to react to more visual stimuli.
You can do the same thing on highways. Plant trees, install a crash barrier, and repaint the lanes to be narrower with a wider shoulder.
I understand that your anecdotal evidence says “speed kills,” but that mentality has been proven wrong by traffic studies. Speed differential kills. So it’s safer for everyone if we change speed limits to reflect the speeds people actually drive. They won’t “just go 10mph over,” because 10-over should feel too fast if the speed limit has been set properly.
Some great articles here explaining why it’s safer to RAISE speed limits, and why artificially low speed limits are actually more dangerous for everyone:
![]() 10/02/2016 at 23:50 |
The thing is, we have gotten results.
With a lower speed limit, road accidents and deaths are down by 30% and traffic is moving faster and more freely.
Our cameras are not like your cameras, there are no cops with radar guns next to the road, these are useless and the cop has more important shit to do. These are fixed position cameras that look at all lanes, one per lane even sometimes to maximize accuracy, and they are located at specific intervals (every 2km lets say)
Also, the limits are for the metropolitan areas only, the highways to the country-side, suburbs, etc are still normal highway speeds.
![]() 10/03/2016 at 00:05 |
What is the speed limit if I may ask?
![]() 10/03/2016 at 00:07 |
45 ish (43.something) mph
![]() 10/03/2016 at 00:21 |
That’s a reasonable speed. Most of our in city speeds are 45-55.
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Used to be 75.
![]() 10/03/2016 at 00:33 |
Bike lanes are communist, but public roads are not... it all makes sense now!
![]() 10/03/2016 at 00:38 |
Because cars, cars are freedom, bikes are for tree-loving hippie communists.
Especially because they painted the bike lanes red.
![]() 10/03/2016 at 00:45 |
how dare they paint the street red - time to end all society! What’s the point of working together!
![]() 10/03/2016 at 00:49 |
It saddens me. That last guy managed to close that entire avenue every sunday for people to sunbathe, walk, paint, dance, bike....
Now it’s gone, this businessman is coming in and ruling just for the rich and big companies.
![]() 10/03/2016 at 00:51 |
Don’t worry. I’m sure the wealth with trickle down. It always does right?
![]() 10/03/2016 at 00:56 |
Sure, giving tax breaks to the rich has worked before. Right?
![]() 10/03/2016 at 01:47 |
Damn ._.
![]() 10/03/2016 at 04:35 |
Not if there are cameras everywhere they don’t.
![]() 10/03/2016 at 06:35 |
doing my part
![]() 10/03/2016 at 12:50 |
What city? Also bureaus like that typically are massive wastes of money and don’t do anything. It just serves as a place to employ people who took unemployable degrees. NGOs typically tackle those issues in a far more effective way. Like look at the ADL and NAACP as an example. Usually those bureaus are appeasement organizations, they exist for propaganda “look we care!” purposes.
![]() 10/03/2016 at 15:02 |
If cultural Marxism is what you prefer, then yes, he is a setback to your desired outcome. To me, he sounds on the outset to be the kind of man we need in greater numbers in the West.